September 29-30, 2014 - Oslo, Norway (excursion on October 01, 2014)
The 18th and final Task 39 experts meeting was held in Oslo, Norway, from September 29-30, 2014. The meeting was arranged and hosted by the Norwegian Task 39 partners University of Oslo and Aventa AS at Ullevål conference center UBC. 25 participants disseminated their results at the meeting. An excursion was arranged on Oct. 01 to three sites in Oslo for demonstration of building integrated, polymeric solar collectors: To Stenbråtlia - 34 passive houses with solar heating, Bjørnveien 119 - Award-winning multi-family building with central solar heating system in Oslo and to NorDan Solar: One of the first prototypes installed in 2012 at an outdoor test lab at the University of Oslo.

April 09-11, 2014 - Ashkelon, Israel (excursion on April 10, 2014)
The experts meeting no. 17 was held in Ashkelon, Israel, from April 9-11, 2014. The meeting was hosted by the Israeli Task 39 partner Magen eco-Energy who is pioneering the production of all polymeric solar thermal collectors with a great market share in Israel and the MENA region, the US, South America and Asia. 18 participants (including industry partner via Skype) took part in the meeting, which included an extensive factory tour through Magen eco-Energy and a visit of Fraunhofer ISE’s outdoor test site at the Ben Gurion University in the Negev desert near Sde Boker.

October 17-18, 2013 - Blumau, Austria
The Experts Meeting no. 16 was held in Bad Blumau, Austria, on October 17-18, 2013, shortly after the Austrian dissemination workshop in Linz on October 11th, 2013. The Task 39 meeting was hosted by the partners AEE INTEC and the University of Linz and counted 26 participants from research institutions and industry partners.

March 13-15, 2013 - Mallorca, Spain
The Experts Meeting No 15 was held in conjunction with a Subtask B expert’s workshop. Both events took place at the Hotel Marina Luz in Can Pastilla, Mallorca, Spain on March 13-15, 2013. The events were hosted by Fraunhofer ISE. 27 experts participated in the meeting and the workshop, among them new experts from industrial companies and re-search institutes from Germany, Israel, Spain and the United States of America. On March 14 a Subtask B workshop was arranged. During the workshop system configurations with commercially available polymeric components were discussed. Concrete proposals for the realisation of four different systems were worked out.
October 15-17, 2012 - Gran Canaria, Spain (excursion on October 16, 2014)
The 14th Experts Meeting took place at the Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias in Pozo Izquierdo, Gran Canaria, Spain from October 15-17, 2012 and was organised by Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg. 26 experts from research and industry participated in the meeting. The Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias (ITC) invited to a 1/2-day technical tour through the ITC facilities, specialised in various Renewable Energy Technologies, Water Treatment, Biotechnology, Biomedicine, Computation, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, etc. The Task 39 experts also visited Fraunhofer ISE's test facility for outdoor exposure of PV modules and solar thermal collectors and materials (, which is a collaborative project with ITW Stuttgart, Germany.

May 15, 2012, Berlin, Germany
The 13th Experts Meeting took place at Grand Hotel Esplanade, Berlin Germany on May 15, 2012 and was organised by Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, and Humboldt University zu Berlin. 29 experts took part in the meeting. An Open Workshop in connection with the 13th Experts meeting "Chancen und Anforderungen für Kunststoffe in der Solarthermie" was held at Grand Hotel Esplanade, Berlin, on May 16, 2012 with 40 participants from research and industry.

12th Experts Meeting
September 19-21, 2011, Aveiro, Portugal (excursion on September 20, 2011)
The 12th Experts Meeting took place at the Unversity of Aveiro, Portugal from September 19-21, 2011. The meeting was hosted by Luis Godinho, Prirev, and Pedro Graca, University of Aveiro. 23 experts participated in the meeting, among them new industry participants from Brasil. Among others a factory visit of the solar thermal collector producer Bosch Thermotechnik in Aveiro was organised.

11th Experts Meeting
May 19-20, 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The 11th Experts Meeting took place at the Grand Hotel Union conference centre in Ljubljana, Slovenia from May 19-20, 2011. The meeting was hosted by the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana. 32 experts participated in the meeting, among them experts from two new industrial companies from Canada and Israel.

10th Experts Meeting
September 27-28, 2010, Blumau, Austria
The 10th IEA-SHC Task 39 Experts meeting was hosted by Johannes Kepler University Linz, supported by the Polymer Competence Center (PCCL) and took place in Blumau (Austria). 24 experts participated in the meeting among them six from industry. The meeting was arranged in conjunction to the EuroSun 2010 conference in Graz, Austria, from Sept. 29 - Oct. 01, 2010. Eleven contributions related to Task 39 were presented at the EuroSun 2010 conference.

9th Experts Meeting
June 10, 2010, Munich, Germany
The additional, 9th Task 39 Experts meeting took place at the INTERSOLAR Europe Fair 2010 in Munich and was hosted by Fraunhofer ISE. 24 experts took part in the meeting, among them 7 from industry. The INTERSOLAR 2010 award in the category Solar Thermal Technology received the company FSAVE, a spring-off company from the Task 39 partner Kassel University (see: "Task Highlights").

8th Experts Meeting
April 19-21. 2010, Aix Les Bains, France
The 8th IEA-SHC Task 39 experts Meeting was hosted by Institut National de l'Energie Solaire (CEA-INES). Due to closed air traffic over Europe (vulcanic activity in Iceland) only 10 experts could join the meeting and an additional meeting was scheduled in June 2010.

7th Experts Meeting
October 6-8, 2009, Golden, Colorado, USA
The 7th IEA-SHC Task 39 experts Meeting was hosted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. 26 experts were present at the meeting. 10 participants were industry partners.

6th Experts Meeting
April 27-29, 2009 Rapperswil, Switzerland
The 6th IEA-SHC Task 39 Experts Meeting was was hosted by the Institute for Solar Technology (SPF) and took place at the University of Applied Science HSR in Rapperswil, Switzerland. 39 experts were present at the meeting. 10 participants were industry partners.

5th Experts Meeting
October 13-15, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal
The 5th IEA-SHC Task 39 Experts Meeting was hosted by and took place at Instituto de Technologias Energeticas (INETI) - Department de Energias Renovavaeis in Lisbon, Portugal. 39 experts were present at the meeting. 11 participants were industry partners.

4th Experts Meeting
April 28-30, 2008, Oslo, Norway
Arranged by the University of Oslo and Aventa AS at Thon Hotel Opera in Oslo with 37 experts from 9 European countries, representing 16 research institutions and 12 industry partners. For the first time one expert from NREL, USA joint the meeting as an observer.

3rd Experts Meeting
September 24-26, 2007, Blumau/Leoben, Austria
Arranged by PCCL and the University of Leoben at Rogner Bad Blumau with 37 experts from 10 European countries, representing 11 research institutions and 16 industry partners.

2nd Experts Meeting
May 3-4, 2007, Aveiro, Portugal
Arranged by PRIREV at the University of Aveiro in Aveiro with 37 experts from 8 European countries, representing 27 research institutions and industry partners.

First Experts Meeting
October 26-27, 2006, Ingolstadt, Germany
Arranged by/at FH Ingolstadt with 39 experts from 8 European countries, representing 27 research institutions and industry partners.